Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog
Cradle of Filth video "Her Ghost in the Fog" The old man in the beginning: Doug Bradley has performed narrations on several songs by Cradle of Filth, an Engl...
愛樂劇工廠《十年》經典民歌音樂劇 2011精華Live呈現
經典民歌音樂劇--《十年》-- The Golden Decade of Campus Folk Songs 一個大學時代星空下的約定,一段共同走過歷史的牽絆恍如昨日的民歌十年,曾經徬徨卻依舊充滿希望的年代故事大綱: 光磊、政泰、楊傑、畢娜與陳靜,五個人是大學時期的好朋友。畢業後為了各自的理想各奔東西──畢...
R.I.P. Heath Ledger
The song that used to be in this video was "Storm" by Lifehouse, but the video got taken down due to "copyright" issues, so I had to change the song. It's no...