與愛人飛 (王菀之) bossanova cover
與愛人飛OT:王菀之ivana bossanova cover dedicated to all who get married on this special day! (pls forgive my facial expression 囧) 與愛人飛作曲/ 作詞:王菀之剛剛好兩個機位當寶這旅客與我...
Live Kiroro Nagai Aida
A live version of Nagai Aida. Sorry for the poor quality. As far as I know, it has been taped in 98, then I bought a VCD version of it on eBay. Please HELP M...
心肺停止【映画】 Cardiopulmonary arrest - Movie -
映画。大辺プロダクション作品 大辺修監督 大辺プロの豪華キャストが総出演。劇場未公開。 Directed by Obe Osamu.