基本はのんびりまったり展開です。独特の魅力的な世界観は1巻と変わらず。 色々と問題がおきつつ解決しつつ、最後にでっかい問題が表れて次巻へ。
ただ、ちょっと気になる点も。DARK EDGEから著者の漫画は読んでいますが 微妙に絵が下手になったor手抜きを疑うコマが見受けられました。 27ページ1コマ目の左手はいくらなんでも小さすぎ、封筒の持ち方が変で気になりました。
それ以外は特に問題ないと思います。 絵を気にしなければ☆5ですがいったん気になってしまったのでマイナス1の、☆4とさせて頂きます。
This was the third Nanase album I bought, after Asia Limited Edition Singles Collection and Foxtrot. I must admit that I did not like it at first, because compared to the previous two, this sounded really weird. However, after hearing it for a few more times, I had more respect for this album. Why? Firstly, the cover has its meaning. Nanase in the cage is representative of women who are bound by all the morals and rules of society. And I didn't realise she went nude at first. Secondly, the album is designed to have a flow, where the intervals between songs are delibrately made short, or linked together (Night Wave to Bad Girls, Tamannnai Shunkan to Kanojo to Watashi no Jijou), which gives a good structure to the album as a whole. Thirdly, simply, Nanase and team should be applauded to dare to make such an attempt at alternative rock at the peak of her fame. This album is flawed, definitely, perhaps from songs like Nemurenai Yoru and Yasashii Uta, but as a reminder, songs like Tamannai Shunkan and Kanojo to Watashi no Jijou (watch the PV!) have attained cult status among fans!
とにかく絵がかわいくて、終始ほんわか癒されますが、あまり動きと迫力がないので、差し迫る雰囲気が伝わってこないのが残念。 今後の期待も込めて、★4つです。